Ginger Dipping Sauce

This ginger sauce is great with teppanyaki-style teriyaki chicken and steak (or any teriyaki meat), teppanyaki-style veggies, and teppanyaki-style fried rice. When paired with the hot mustard dipping sauce, you can create a complete teppanyaki-style dinner at home.
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 small ginger root or 1/8 tsp ground ginger
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
Blend the ingredients together to form a smooth dipping sauce. Adjust the quantities to taste. Pour the sauce into small individual dipping sauce bowls.
*This recipe can be found on many websites, including on CD’s Kitchen, but I’m not sure of the original source.
Tags: ginger, onion, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce
Tue, Jul 20, 2010
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