Orange Julius

With all of the cold winter weather we’ve been experiencing I’ve found myself daydreaming of sunshine and summer. So when Simply Orange Juice contacted me with the offer to send me coupons for a product sampling, it was perfect timing. I had a cold, frothy Orange Julius on my mind.
I was already familiar with their line of products because my family has been hooked on their Simply Apple Juice for a while. Now we are fans of their orange juice, too. I love their simple approach to making juice, letting the natural flavors of the fruits speak for themselves, not adding sugar or preservatives. Now when I don’t have time to make freshly-squeezed orange juice (which I’ll admit is most of the time), Simply Orange Juice is my OJ of choice.
The Orange Julius has been around since the 1920’s and is a refreshing drink that, in my mind, is synonymous with shopping malls. Like a cross between a smoothie and a milkshake, the frothy orange drink is easy to make at home and when homemade, you can control the amount of sugar that is added.
1 cup Simply Orange juice (or freshly-squeezed OJ)
1/2 – 3/4 cup Simply Orange juice frozen into ice cubes
1/2 cup milk
1 Tbsp powdered sugar
Splash of vanilla
Ice, optional, to reach desired consistency
Blend the ingredients together until the drink is frothy and smooth. Serve the drinks immediately, garnished with orange juice ice cubes frozen into fun shapes if desired.
TIP: For an Orange Julius milkshake, add a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream.
Tags: milk, orange juice, powdered sugar, Simply Orange Juice, vanilla
Sun, Mar 6, 2011
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